What’s It Like to Work at The Title Girl? Go Behind the Scenes with Amy Umlah

Welcome to the blog series of posts on what it’s like to work at The Title Girl. This time, we’ll go behind the scenes with Amy Umlah, our Office Manager, to learn more about how she found The Title Girl and what her experience has been like with us.

How Did You End Up at the Title Girl?

After covid put a stop to my previous career, I was looking for something stable and fulfilling. After interviewing at The Title Girl, I felt I found a place that would allow me to grow and make the best out of a life-changing experience. I was thrilled to be hired and have enjoyed working with an incredibly supportive and caring team ever since. Life gave me lemons and I became a Title Girl!

How Does The Title Girl Impact the Industry?

Coming from a focus on customer service, The Title Girl offers something that can be hard to come by when dealing with a state-regulated process  – a company where the phone is always answered and someone is always happy to help. Whether it is a client using our software and services, or an individual looking for help with their personal titling and registration, we do our best to deliver a smooth and stress-free experience. At The Title Girl, we are problem solvers who offer the industry the support, software, and expertise to continue top-notch service after the car is sold and the paperwork is signed.

What’s It Like to Work at The Title Girl?

Working at The Title Girl is a blast! My coworkers and supervisors are truly amazing people. I feel lucky to be part of a supportive team where we all work hard AND have fun. In my opinion, Netflix could sign a deal for a show just based on our banter. In all seriousness, it is a wonderful environment to work in and I am thankful for the culture we have developed.

See Our Difference in Action

Are you ready for something completely different in the titling and registration industry? Reach out to us today to experience our difference firsthand when it comes to DMS integration, customizable software, and our industry-leading services.


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