Lack of Visibility in Your Title Department

Over the last decade, there have been nearly endless changes in the world of car dealerships. Between cars sold directly online, Internet dealerships, and the archaic way that titles work throughout the industry, everything is moving at lightning speed.

The pace is largely a good thing but there can be issues. If your titling process isn’t entirely buttoned up from the point of customer purchases until they have a hard plate in hand, the entire experience could be ruined.

This can anger customers who spend their savings on a new vehicle, but it’s also like a popped balloon at a party if the hard plate isn’t available when the tags expire. This can create double the damage to customer trust.

What’s Happening and What Can I Do About It?

Less staff, mass sales, and an evolving industry are all the ingredients that make it hard to stay on top of every department. You can find articles across the Internet showing that the dealerships who are moving fastest in a new direction also did not properly prepare for the tail of the sale. While this isn’t the most exciting part of the dealership world, it’s key to finishing a transaction.

“I hate paperwork!” is a common refrain and it might be true in most cases. However, most of us can’t wait to get a receipt after making a purchase. This applies to auto dealership customers who expect to be consulting with experts.

At The Title Girl, we remove this needlessly convoluted process so that your dealership and team can score well on customer satisfaction based on providing a new type of experience. This is what creates repeat buyers who are loyal to your brand.

How to Make the Process Better

There are three things The Title Girl offers that can make the process easier and more efficient. These include our software, consulting, and services for auto dealerships.

We’re proud to have revolutionized the titling model in Texas. You might wonder how we were able to do this. We’re happy to explain. We built our solution from the ground up. We also learned how to fix the many redundant errors that root from an incorrect accounting setup in your DMS. This has an impact on your reconciliation and state account obligations in an extremely time-consuming manner.

Additionally, we build relationships across all 254 counties in Texas. We make a point to regularly communicate with them to ensure no processes have changed and no deals are being delayed.

The Benefits of The Title Girl Solution

The way we offer a solution is through our software, which integrates with WEBdealer and your DMS. Are you curious about what kind of benefits this will provide you? Check out the list below:

  • Know where all your titles are at any given time

  • Know about mass county delays that we can solve

  • Know how many titles were completed each day

  • Know which customers’ tags expired without hard plates available

  • Know what deal priorities are due based on escalations and late fees

  • Know that your accounting reconciliation will be done accurately in half the normal time

  • Know that you are compliant with overcharges to customers

  • Know that you don’t have over or undercharges since the root issue is remedied

  • Know which of your title clerks are the most productive

What to Expect From The Title Girl

Our consultants will meet your needs when you need temporary help due to a title clerk going on leave. We can also assist you with having a fully outsourced title department where every single move is tracked. Our title software will also provide visibility while eliminating errors and redundancies.

If an issue is found, our staff will notify you immediately. The Title Girl is here if you want to eliminate concerns about your title department. Reach out to us today and get the process started.


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What’s It Like to Work at The Title Girl? Go Behind the Scenes with Crystal Stanley